Terms and conditions

Welcome to IDvex, the first website and APP that helps Law Enforcement Forces and Corps (FFCCS) to identify vehicles correctly and quickly during roadside checks, in order to combat Illicit Vehicle Trafficking more effectively.

It also provides Insurers, Experts, Detectives and Technical Inspection Agencies with an advanced tool to improve the management of their files, contributing in a very effective way to the prevention of and fight against fraud.

This is the first time you have logged on to the IDvex platform and, in order to continue with the registration process, you must read and AGREE to the following





In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, we inform you that the owner providing the services herein is the company ARIKI – Vehicle Asset Management SL (hereinafter, ARIKI Group), a Spanish company with registered office at Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona), Av. Via Augusta 15-25, 08174, CIF/VAT NO.: ES B66079005, entered in the Companies Register of Barcelona on Volume 42348, Sheet 175, Page B-404681; www.arikigroup.eu

To communicate with us for questions related to the “IDvex” Service you can contact idvex@arikigroup.eu



The purpose of these “Terms and Conditions” of access and use (hereinafter the “Terms”) is to regulate the access and use of the online consultation service, through the IDvex platform, available through the website www.idvex.eu or its APP for iOS and Android, from which the User can access the aforementioned platform.

Through the IDvex platform, ARIKI Group may provide different services with a specific scope and purpose, which will be indicated each time the User accesses them.

Likewise, the Legal Terms set forth for the use of the website through which the IDvex platform is accessed will also be applicable.



The online consultation service provided by ARIKI Group through the IDvex platform allows you to carry out the following activities, among others:

  • View images and videos relating to the location of the vehicle identification code information available in the web/APP catalogue.
  • View vehicle technical data sheets, registration numbers and legislation.
  • Fill out forms.
  • Edit the User’s registration data.
  • Chat for consultation and/or technical/professional advice.


All information and material contained in IDvex has been produced by ARIKI Group and is the result of its experience, international research activity (including that of its collaborators) and/or has been acquired from “open sources” and/or received from Government Agencies and Security Forces and Corps (LEAs).

The similarity between pictures of license plates contained in IDvex and reality is a mere coincidence.



To access the consultation services of the IDvex platform (hereinafter also referred to as “the Service”) it is an essential requirement that the User registers as such on the aforementioned website/APP.

The User shall be considered to be the person who makes use of the “IDvex” Service once registered.

Once you will decide to upload the (free) DEMO version paying the fee of a specific plan, the system will generate the Passwords, which will be sent to the User’s mobile phone. These passwords will allow the User to access the services offered from the IDvex platform according to the subscribed plan.

In the event of the system detecting any registration error, it will be necessary to contact ARIKI Group via the email address idvex@arikigroup.eu in order to resolve any incident.



Any individual (over 18 years of age) or legal entity operating both within and outside the EU may register provided they comply with these Terms and in accordance with the type of access reserved for each of them:

  • Police officers on active duty;
  • International, national, border and local Security Forces and Corps;
  • Insurance Companies and/or Entities representing their interests;
  • Automotive sector experts;
  • Private Detective Agencies;
  • Bodies and Entities authorised to carry out the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV).
  • National Vehicles’ Registers.

On acquiring the status of User implies the reading and express acceptance without reservation of these Terms, the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice of the Website, as well as the Cookies Policy and Social network one, which the User must have read prior to their acceptance.



The User may access the IDvex platform from the https://www.idvex.eu service and through the iOS and Android APP.

The provided usernames and passwords will allow the User to be identified in a personalised and individualised manner and will allow access to the IDvex system by means of a two-factor authentication process (PSD2).


These usernames and passwords are strictly personal, confidential and non-transferable. The User shall be responsible for maintaining their confidentiality and may not transfer them or disclose them to any third party. Consequently, the User expressly accepts that ARIKI Group presumes, unless prior notification of loss or theft is given, that the uses of the Service made using the identification Passwords are made by the person who appears as the registered User. If the User has any evidence that his or her Passwords may be known, either accidentally or fraudulently, by unauthorised third parties, he or she must notify idvex@arikigroup.eu of this fact.

In such cases we will proceed to cancel your Passwords and provide you with new ones.


You must periodically change your password when requested to do so.

ARIKI Group may block access to and use of the website or the Service when it deems it necessary for security reasons. The Service will be automatically blocked in the event of successive errors occurring in the entry of the User’s Identification Codes for the use of the Service.



To access the Service, you will need a device that meets the hardware and software requirements to use the Website (these requirements may change over time) as well as Internet access. Users must be aware that these factors may influence the performance of the Website and the possibility of accessing the Service.

ARIKI Group is not responsible for cases in which the Website and/or the Service may be unavailable or functioning deficiently due to the use of inappropriate devices or due to Internet service interruptions caused by excess web traffic or by any other factor.



The User hereby commits to use the Service in a manner that is diligent, appropriate, legal, and in adherence of the law, the Legal Notice, these Terms, rules for use, and instructions made known to him or her, in addition to all generally accepted moral values and proper customs and behaviour upholding public order.

To this end, it will refrain from carrying out any illegal, prohibited, or harmful activity of the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of services, IT equipment or the documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment or storage medium, both physical and virtual, of ARIKI Group, of other Users or of any Internet user (hardware and software).

Access to and use of the Service and the correct use of the information contained therein are the responsibility of the person carrying out these actions, and ARIKI Group shall not be held liable for any incorrect, illicit or negligent use that the User may make of the Service.

The posting or transmission of any illicit, slanderous or obscene material, or any other material that could constitute or induce conduct that could be classified as criminal, cause civil liability or otherwise violate applicable legislation is prohibited.



The User shall report any and all incidents he or she may detect as soon as possible and in such a way that the report is properly logged. Incident reports should be sent to the following email address: idvex@arikigroup.eu

Incidents are defined as any and all anomalies that affect or may affect data security as well as any detected breach of security regulations.



Each User may only access the information resources for which he or she has been granted access. Should it be discovered that it is possible to access others’ personal information that should remain inaccessible, this anomaly must be reported according to the procedure appearing in the section “Incident Management.”



Information accessed by the User through the IDvex platform must be consulted using the ARIKI Group Information Systems. ARIKI Group is not liable for information exported to systems other than those pertaining to ARIKI Group.



When using the Service, the User will be responsible for ensuring that no unauthorised persons can see the information being processed.

If the application remains inactive for thirty minutes, it will be automatically deactivated.

The User expressly undertakes not to download, store, transmit, reproduce, publish, sell, distribute or disseminate:


  • Any type of information (images, pictures, videos, texts, forms, answers to queries, etc.) to which he or she has had access through the use of the IDvex platform, obtained under any circumstances and by any mechanical or electronic means, including the taking of photographs, the use of the “screenshot” function and the recording of videos;
  • Store, use, transmit or disseminate cracks, software serial numbers or any other content that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties;
  • Distribute Internet viruses, worms, Trojans or engage in any other destructive activity, such as saturation, mailbombing, or denial of service attacks;
  • Engage in activities that disrupt or interfere with the effective use of other people’s network resources;
  • Collect and/or use other users’ personal data without their express consent or in contravention of data protection regulations;
  • Share the passwords provided with another individual or legal entity;
  • Destroy, alter, render useless or in any other way damage the data, programmes or electronic documents of ARIKI Group and/or third parties;
  • Obstruct the access of other users by means of massive and unjustified consumption of the computer resources through which ARIKI Group provides any of its services, or carry out actions that damage, interrupt or generate errors in said systems;
  • Use the system to attempt to access restricted areas of the server, without due authorisation from ARIKI Group.



The User expressly accepts that all communications, notices and information that ARIKI Group is to send or provide to the User shall, whenever the law so permits, be sent via email (to the address provided by the User at the time of sign-up or, alternatively, the email address provided subsequently by the User) and/or by sending an SMS or text message to the mobile phone number (communicated by the User at the time of sign-up to the service) via an instant messaging service in which the User is also registered.

On the other hand, all communication sent by the User to ARIKI Group shall be considered valid provided it is sent to the following email address: idvex@arikigroup.eu

Notices will be considered as being sent and received on the third business day following the day in which the notices are correctly sent to the addresses provided.



The design, images, videos, texts, labels, distinctive features, trade name, brands, logos (excluding those belonging to their legitimate owners), products, services, and the like that appear on the IDvex platform are protected under the Law on Industrial Property and are the property of ARIKI Group. In no way does the use of or access to the Service grant the User rights of any nature over them.

The Website, its source code, and any and all contents accessible through this website are the intellectual property of ARIKI Group and/or third parties. Under no circumstances shall it be understood that rights to the aforementioned are granted to the User.

ARIKI Group is the owner or licensee of all the rights to the contents of the Website www.idvex.eu, and to any and all services offered through the Website. Accessing the Website, the APP or the services provided therein does not grant Users rights or ownership whatsoever to the intellectual- or industrial-property rights or the Content housed within. The User acknowledges and agrees that it is prohibited to use, reproduce, communicate, and/or distribute, modify, alter, or disaggregate said elements, whether for personal, private, and non-profit use or for commercial and for-profit motives.

ARIKI Group reserves the right to take legal actions against any User who violates or infringes upon its intellectual or industrial-property rights.

ARIKI Group cannot be held liable for any possible infringement of third-party copyrights, and requires the Users of the Service to respect these copyrights at all times.



The User shall be responsible for the following:

  • Safeguarding the confidentiality of the login information provided to the User;
  • Providing accurate information to ARIKI Group; the User will be solely liable for any inaccurate information provided. Similarly, the User will be responsible for updating information provided to ARIKI Group in such a way that said information accurately reflects the situation of the User at all times.
  • Any damages inflicted on ARIKI Group or third parties as a result of information that is not updated, false, or inaccurate and that may result from others’ using the login information of the User.
  • Should the User obtains the information sought, said User will be solely liable for the use and custody of such information.

In consideration of the confidentiality of the information provided through the IDvex service and in order to protect the interests of all its legitimate Users, ARIKI Group reserves the right to check the accuracy of the personal information provided at the time of subscribing any type of license, before to deliver the access credentials to the service itself.



The information, content, and services offered through the Website or the APP shall be those determined by ARIKI Group at all times and may vary from time to time. Therefore, ARIKI Group is under no obligation to continue offering these Services. Nonetheless, ARIKI Group will inform Users if and when it decides to discontinue a given Service and shall explain the conditions of the discontinuation of the Service.

In addition, ARIKI Group may partially or totally discontinue access to the Services for Users who fail to comply with these Terms.



Although ARIKI Group uses systems that are compatible with most of the technologies available on the market, it cannot guarantee the compatibility of the devices employed by the User.

ARIKI Group does not guarantee the availability or the continued functioning of the Website, the APP and/or the Service. ARIKI Group shall be exempt from all liability arising from access to and use of the Website, the APP and/or the Service (e.g., performance failure, interruption or delay in the functioning of the services, system or line failure, etc.), even in cases in which failure or incorrect functioning causes damage to the computer systems of third parties. User shall access the Website, the APP and the Service at their own risk.

The Service offered through the Website and the APP is in compliance with the provisions of Spanish law.

ARIKI Group shall be held exempt from all liability arising from incorrect use of the Website, the APP and/or the Service by the User.

ARIKI Group shall not be liable for circumstances in which the Service is unavailable due to force majeure or temporary unavailability of the Service owing to technical reasons. Therefore, ARIKI Group will not be liable for any damages or losses that may result from events that are unforeseeable or inevitable either due to fortuitous occurrences or force majeure.

ARIKI Group is not responsible for failures, technical errors, accidents, malfunctions, manipulation, interruptions of service, or other incidents of any kind that may occur in products, equipment, or technical services belonging to others and that are necessary to access the services.

Although ARIKI Group has acted with diligence and has taken the necessary measures made available by technological advancements so as to avoid any possible security breaches in the platform, ARIKI Group does not guarantee that the security means taken are beyond vulnerability.

ARIKI Group is not responsible for the legal compliance of other websites belonging to third parties which may be accessed through the platform. ARIKI Group is not responsible for the legal compliance of other websites belonging to third parties which may link to this platform.

Furthermore, in relation to the use of the Service, ARIKI Group cannot be held liable for any possible damages caused by lack of information and/or by the fact that the information is incorrect and/or incomplete and/or out of date.



ARIKI Group may include new functionalities in the Website, the APP or the Service and/or change the Terms currently in force. In such cases, ARIKI Group will publish the updated version on the Website and on the APP so that the User may be aware of any and all changes. If the User does not agree with the Terms’ modification (and only modifications related with “Terms and Conditions”), he or she will have fifteen days as of the time of the notification of the change to terminate the contract by providing valid notice of cancellation to ARIKI Group. The User shall not be reimbursed the difference of the fee paid for the subscription and/or renewal of the Service. Failure to provide notice of cancellation within the aforementioned period implies the User’s full acceptance of the new Terms.



All INFORMATION and MATERIAL contained on IDvex and/or provided by the WEBSITE/APP IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and EXCLUSIVELY ADDRESSED TO THE REGULARLY REGISTERED USER who has checked them in the course of his/her professional activity; it is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO DISCLOSE IT TO THE PUBLIC without the express consent of ARIKI Group.



In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the users and the general public are hereby informed of the following:


This document contains the privacy policy of ARIKI Group regarding the personal data processing of the Users of the IDvex platform.

Users may address any issues or questions regarding this matter to the ARIKI Group Data Protection Officer, who may be reached via post at Av. Via Augusta nº 15-25, 08174, Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona). The Data Protection Officer may also be reached via email at  privacy@arikigroup.eu.

Who is the data controller?

The data controller of your data is:

ARIKI – Vehicle Asset Management SL

Av. Via Augusta 15-25

08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés (BARCELONA – SPAIN)

CIF/VAT NO.: ES B66079005


What personal information do we process and what is the source of this information?

The following categories of personal data may be processed in the course of your relationship with ARIKI Group:

  • Identification data and contact details;
  • Transactional data (payments, deposits, transfers, debts)


Why do we process your personal information?

Data Controller may process personal data for the following purposes:

  1. Statistical/functional use: your personal information is processed for the purposes of providing you the best possible access to the Service, as well as to appropriately manage the information you provide through it, as in the following examples:
  • To process any and all incidents or claims filed by the user;
  • To administer surveys intended to gather your opinion of the care delivered to you; such surveys shall be used exclusively to improve and develop our services;
  1. Processing of information requests, complaints, suggestions, grievances, and the exercise of data-protection rights, etc.: your data will be processed to fulfil the request.


  1. Compliance with legal obligations: in order to comply with applicable legal obligations, it may be necessary to process personal information. Specifically, these obligations may be related to compliance with legislation on data protection, taxation, etc.


  1. Drawing up executing the contract: personal information is processed to manage the contractual relationship with the User;


  1. Distribution of advertising materials using any means in case of additional consent: If you so consent, we may transfer your data to the entities related with ARIKI Group in order to inform you – via any means and for promotional and advertising purposes – about services, products, or events of the companies belonging to the ARIKI Group.

The information collected will be processed for the established purposes, and under no circumstances shall data be processed toward ends that conflict with those established here. Please note that the processing of data for purposes related to technical research or statistical measurements is not considered to be incompatible with the initial purpose.

We process your data with the same degree of care and quality at all times, regardless of the channel you may choose to communicate with us (e.g. the website and mobile apps).

What is the legal basis for your personal data processing

  • Purpose
  • Provision of information and advice service

Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party; processing based on the consent of the Data Subject to protect the vital interests and/or the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller

  • Technical, statistical research
  • Processing of requests

Processing based on the consent of the Data Subject and/or the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller

  • Compliance with legal obligations

Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject

  • Signing and performance of the contract

Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is party. Processing based on the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller

  • Distribution of advertising materials

Processing based on the consent of the Data Subject

How long will we storage your personal information?

In general, your data will be kept only for the length of time strictly necessary for the purpose for which said data were collected.

The personal data provided will be kept for the time required for the reason for their storage and use.

After the termination of the contract for the provision of the Service, your data will be duly cancelled from the ARIKI Group servers, and ARIKI Group will not be able to make use of them after the aforementioned termination date, except for purely statistical purposes and in a completely anonymous manner.

Personal data provided for the purposes of processing information requests, complaints, suggestions, grievances, or the exercising of data-protection rights of any sort, etc., shall be retained for the period necessary to process the request. In all cases the minimum period shall be that which is legally mandated as well as that required to file grievances, exercise rights, or for the defence against such grievances.

Data processed to comply with legal obligations will be kept for the storage period set forth in applicable legislation.

Data gathered to sign and perform a contract shall be retained for the duration of the contractual relationship as well as the period necessary to file grievances, exercise rights, or for the defence against such grievances. This period shall not be more than five years.

Personal data processed for the distribution of advertising materials will be retained until the concerned party withdraws his or her consent and/or exercises their right to oppose the retention of such data and/or requests that they be deleted.

Who will receive my personal information?

To properly provide Service, certain service providers and/or group entities must process data on behalf of the data controller and act as designees for the processing of personal data. By way of example, such designees may be providers of IT services, audits, archiving, information storage or digitisation, destruction of documents, legal advisory services, etc.

All information that you provide to us will be processed as confidential and in strict compliance with mandatory security measures necessary to prevent access by unauthorized third parties.

What are your right of your personal data?

You may exercise your rights to require access to information; rectification information that is inaccurate; request the erasure of your data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected; in certain circumstances, you may also request the restriction of personal data processing, in which case we will only keep these data to file or defend against claims and grievances; finally, and for reasons related to your particular situation, you can also exercise your right to object and to data portability. Additionally, you may revoke the consent given for your data processing at any time.

Exercise of your rights and withdrawal of consent to process your data are free of charge, except in the cases set forth in art. 12.5 of the Regulation (EU) 679/2016, which may be exercised by requesting it by sending an email to privacy@arikigroup.eu stating that it is in reference to “data-protection rights” and attaching a photocopy of the individual’s identity card or equivalent document.

We also inform you that you may file a grievance before the competent authority overseeing these matters, following the procedure set forth for each individual case.



The User may voluntarily disable the Service at any time; doing so will prevent him or her from accessing the Service in the future.

Any early termination of the contract for the provision of the Service (regardless of the party that has promoted it and the reason for which it has occurred) will not give rise to any type of refund and/or compensation to the User for any fees paid by the User at the time of contracting the Service or its subsequent renewal.

In addition, the following conduct may cause an individual to lose his or her rights as a User:

  • Non-payment or outstanding balances owed to ARIKI Group.
  • Impeding the performance of the services.
  • Transferral of the rights and obligations set forth in this contract.
  • Involvement in legal or administrative proceedings that may jeopardize the image or commercial reputation of ARIKI Group.
  • Non-compliance of any nature with the terms related to the Service.
  • To revoke ARIKI Group’s permission to use personal data.


Disabling an account will not affect any of the obligations of the User that apply at the time the account is disabled.



These terms and conditions of use will be governed by Spanish law. Except as required by law, the courts of law of Barcelona, Spain will rule on any dispute between the Parties as to the interpretation of the contract and its performance.

If you do not accept the terms, your data will be deleted from the IDvex platform. If you subsequently wish to access the platform, you will have to register again with your personal details.

By clicking on the “I HAVE READ AND ACCEPT” button, the User expressly acknowledges having understood and accepted all the Terms and Conditions mentioned in this document, also declaring that all the personal data provided during the process of registering for the Service are true, the User being solely responsible for any inaccuracy therein.

I HAVE READ AND ACCEPT                                              I DON’T ACCEPT